1.A fold up umbrella-Wherever you live whether it's the Columbia or California the heavens are bound to open up one day and cry, it can also protect you from the sun, because red faces aren't sexy faces.
2.Baby wipes-They may look out of place in there but if you ever spill something on your hands or clothes they're dead useful, and you can usually get lovely smelling ones.
3.Small bottle of moisturiser-Remember to always top it up because it's just pointless if it's empty. You can also use it for oiling the car if it gets dry...maybe.
5.A small bottle of perfume-Whenever or wherever if you ever fell dirty or ugly a little squirt here and there will boost your day and may even make a few heads turn.
6.A pen-Common knowledge.
7.Paper-Just anything to write on in an emergency basically.
8.Entertainer-It could be a pack of cards, trivial pursuit cards, ipod, Harry Potter book, phone, colouring in book, knitting needles, magazine or a leprechaun, just as long as you never look like a loner in town waiting for the bus.
9.Secret pocket-Not only are they the coolest thing but no one not even your brother should be able to find your secret stash of money, sometimes if your as dim as I you might even forget it exists as well.
10.Money-To live in your secret pocket and used only for you, not anyone else, because basically it's their own fault for not having a secret pocket with secret money. And if your like me you'll be too nice ask for it back so your secret pocket is empty making it pointless. Also covers phoning someone and a ride home.
11.Lollies-They're yum, entertaining and make you happy, don't worry about the fat content you'll be thankful you have them when you're walking home and your legs turn to jelly with no energy.
Note: If you're a guy all you need is the jacket on your back and a wallet with the essential contents.
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